2025 RCSX Supplemental Rules

The following Rules supplement the current AMA Racing Rulebook, which governs amateur racing. Current AMA members in good standing may compete. For the AMA Racing Rulebook, go HERE.

Posted: 2.26.25


  1. Amateur Program: Pro licensed riders who qualified for the Main Event in an AMA Supercross in 2024 or 2025 are NOT eligible to participate in the program in any class.
  2. Riders who have ever been classified as a Pro, Pro-Am or “A” rider in a non-youth class, are not eligible for any “B”, “C” or “B/C” division, unless reclassified by AMA.
  3. Riders who placed in the top 5 overall in a "B" class at the 2024 AMA Amateur National Motocross Championship at Loretta Lynn’s, and who are 17 years of age or older as of January 1, 2025, are not eligible to compete in a "B" or “B/C” division, unless reclassified by AMA.
  4. Riders may not participate in a “C” division if they have ever:
    a. Received any type of OEM factory support in any class (excluding OEM contingency and trackside support);
    b. Earned a Rider Performance Value (RPV) of 15.0 or higher the previous advancement year (Nov. 1, 2023 – Oct. 31, 2024) in any class, including youth divisions; or
    c. If they have raced in a “C” division in 2023 and 2024 and have an RPV of 13.0 or higher as of Oct. 31, 2024.
    d. For more information regarding “C” class eligibility and/or reclassification, or to check RVP status, visit click amaracing.com.
  5. Women’s Class (122-250cc) (must be 14 to race 250cc); Minimum Wheelbase: Front 21”; Rear 18”. A female class based on the rider’s original birth certificate.


  1. 2026 model machines, crankcases, cylinders, or internal engine components are NOT eligible in any class.
  2. Electric motorcycles are only permitted in the Mini-E class.
  3. Only production tires readily available to the general public may be used in any class.
  4. Riders may ride a limited motorcycle in a non-limited class.
  5. Limited Classes:
    a. AMA Limited Class Rules apply; refer to the AMA 2025 Motocross Limited Clarification Chart for details HERE.
    b. All parts of the exhaust system as designed by the manufacturer (OEM) for a particular model and year must remain stock. Updating to a more recent year exhaust is prohibited unless the OEM part number is the same. The silencer end cap may be changed for the sole purpose of inserting a spark arrestor, so long as there is no performance enhancement.
    c. Only production tires readily available to the general public may be used.
    d. Changes that are cosmetic in nature are allowed, so long as there is no performance advantage.
    e. Violations of the Limited Class rules as determined by the protest process or by the event referee may result in disqualification from the class, or at the Qualifier level, re-assignment to the appropriate class if deemed unintentional by the event referee. A second violation within one calendar year may result in a disqualification from the class and a suspension from AMA competition for one year.
  6. For mini-cycle classes (Classes 22-30), fuel injection is permitted only if it is standard equipment on the production model.


  1. Age for Youth classes is based on the rider’s age on January 1, 2025. For all other classes, age is based on the rider’s actual age as of the day of the event.  Proof of age must be available upon request by Race Officials at any time.
  2. Riders under the age of 18 years must have a parent present or a duly notarized parental consent form, as required by the AMA Rules and Regulations, to participate. Minor Release and Waiver of Liability forms must be completed by the parent/legal guardian at the event upon Rider Check-in/Registration.
  3. Medical Insurance: Riders must have medical insurance coverage effective throughout the event to compete. Proof of medical coverage is required to register and upon request.
  4. Riders must declare their race number upon registration. In the event of duplicate numbers in the same class, numbers will be assigned on a first-come basis.


  1. The race format will consist of the following:
    a. For classes with more than 34 riders: (2) Heat races, (1) Last Chance Qualifier (LCQ), and (1) Main event.
    b. For classes with 34 or less riders: (1) Heat race to determine Main event gate pic and (1) Main event.
  2. All riders will be able to participate in a minimum of two competitive events per class.
  3. The number of Heat races will be determined based on the number of entries in the class. All classes will be capped at a pre-determined number of entries.
  4. The Main event will be limited to 34 riders.
  5. This is a non-purse paying event; “A” classes will not receive a purse payout.


  1. Only the rider and one mechanic will be allowed to the starting line.
  2. The Start Procedure is as follows:
    • 2 Card will be held for 10 seconds
    • 1 Card will be held for 10 seconds
    • 1 Card will be turned sideways
    • Gate will drop between 2 and 5 seconds
    • Mechanics must step behind the backstop at the display of the 1 Card.
  3. A rider may request a 2-minute grace period for minor repairs at any time prior to or during display of the 2 Card. Once the 1 Card is displayed, no additional time will be given.   Only one grace period will be given per moto.  Grace periods will not be given to clean equipment or for cosmetic purposes.
  4. Once the race has started the mechanic may go to the designated Signal Area only. If a mechanic is found to be outside the designated Signal Area or in a restricted area such as the infield, he/she will lose their privilege and will not be allowed to return.
  5. The Flags.
    • Yellow FlagIndicates a downed rider or other situation to raise caution. A rider may jump and pass between the yellow flag and the incident but must show caution. (Note:  This rule differs from the AMA Amateur Rule Book and applies only to the National.)
    • Red Cross Flag and/or Flashing Safety Lights. Indicates an injured rider and/or medics on the track, or a dangerous situation on the track in an area of limited visibility. Riders must proceed with caution, hold their position and cannot jump or pass between the flag and the incident.
    • Green Flag. Given at the completion of lap one to indicate that the race is “on”.
    • White Flag. One lap to go until the finish. (Courtesy flag)
    • Checkered Flag. End of race.
    •Blue Flag. Indicates a rider is about to be lapped. Lapped riders should hold their line and not interfere with the progress of the faster rider(s). A Blue Flag can be given anywhere along the racecourse.
    •Red Flag. Indicates the race has been stopped. Riders must return to their original start gate position to await further instruction.
  6. If a rider goes off track, they must re-enter at the safest location without gaining an advantage. Riders may gain an advantage without gaining a position.
  7. Outside assistance is prohibited. If a rider needs to make repairs to their machine, they may do so on the side of the track but without assistance. Riders can receive assistance in the Signal Area.
  8. A motorcycle that returns to the paddock during the race will not be permitted to return to the competition.
  9. Motorcycles may be ridden to/from the paddock and the starting area only. Riding in unauthorized areas is grounds for disqualification.
  10. Awards: Awards will be given to the Top 10 per class.


  1. Authorized Pit Vehicles:
    • Golf carts and SXS as follows:
              • Maximum width of 65 inches
              • No lifted or high-performance vehicles
    • No 2-wheeled motorcycles, mini-cycles or ATVs
    • No throttle-assist electric motorized bicycles (i.e., Surrons)
    • Pedal-assist electric motorized bicycles are permitted and do not require a permit
    • Non-motorized bicycles do not require a permit
  2. Rules of Operation:
    • Pit Vehicles may be operated by Permit only
    • Pit vehicles must be operated in a safe manner
    • Operators must be (18+) years of age
    • All passengers must be seated
    • Speed Limit (13) MPH
    • No Pit Vehicle use on Saturday
    • Strict 10 PM curfew remainder of nights
    • No pit vehicles outside of the amateur pit area
    • Violators may be asked to leave the speedway