

  • Refund Policy:
    Riders may request a refund for their entire or partial order (including entry fees, admission and camping) for any reason no later than Friday, February 21, 2025. As this is a closed entry event, refund requests will not be accepted after this date. Requests must be made by using the form below and will not be accepted by phone or by email.
  • Processing:
    Refunds will be processed 4-6 weeks after the request in received.
    Refunds will be issued by check and will be charged a $10 processing fee.
    Credit Card Service fees will not be refunded. 


  • Previously registered riders may request to transfer to a different class, if available. Requests must be made by calling our office at (304) 284-0101.


  • If a class is full, riders may register as an Alternate (ALT). Riders will be notified by email and charged if the class becomes available.

If you have any questions please call our office at (304) 284-0101.